Wednesday 24 October 2012

Fever Series: Dreamfever

Wow. This book was quite intense. I just want to warn anybody who might be reading this series and happens to be on Dreamfever: Get Shadowfever and have it on hand before you finish Dreamfever. The cliffhanger for this book will have you going crazy if you don't have the next book. Don't say I didn't warn you!
Right, on to the story. At the end of Faefever, Mac was captured by the evil, pretentious Lord Master and three of the four Unseelie Princes (Death, Famine and Pestilence), who turned her Pri-ya. Being Pri-ya is basically a state where a human becomes addicted to sex with Fae and anytime they're not having sex, they're in agony. They basically lose their minds and all memory of who they are. So, for obvious reasons, this is a hectically bad thing to happen to Mac. Because Mac is so out of it, we have the story told from Dani's perspective for a chapter or two (testing the waters for Iced?). 
You know what I really like about this series? It doesn't let the guys do all the swooping and rescuing. Case in point: it isn't V'lane or Barrons who rescues Mac from the LM and the Unseelie Princes. It's Dani.  
In any case, Mac is now Pri-ya and is in a whole world of trouble. It takes Barrons to sort of... snap her out of it. I have to confess that I am insanely jealous of Mac, given how he accomplishes this. We also see a side to Barrons which was almost, dare I say it, sweet. He was singing and dancing to "Tub Thumping" with her. I know Barrons can be a jackass but his willingness to even listen to that aggravating song to help jolt Mac's memory makes him far nicer than I would have given him credit for. 
Mac does eventually snap out of her nympho state and when she does, man, is she pissed! From here what was left of Pink Mac dies and she becomes Black Mac, who likes leather and guns. 
This book is quite fast paced. Mac has a huge confrontation with Rowena and the other sidhe-seers. She and Barrons go from not being to be able to keep their hands off of each other to being stiff (a poor word choice?) and formal again. We see V'lane and Barrons posturing at each other and learn why V'lane, an immortal Fae, would be so scared of Barrons. Which leads to the burning question: what the heck is Barrons? We still have no clue and it's beginning to bug me. We do see a few little tidbits from Barrons' past but nothing to really explain what he is, why he can be such a jerk, and what his real motives are for wanting the sinsar bubh. 
We are also introduced to Barrons' merry band of psychopaths. I am very interested to learn more about these guys. The only one we've really dealt with is Ryodan, and he seems... I don't know. He's a very mysterious, shady character and from what I've read, he's going to play a major role in Iced, book 6 in the Fever series. 
I just want to throw out a few of my favourite scenes from this book. They all pretty much had me laughing like a loon.
Here Mac has just snapped out of being Pri-ya and is remembering some of what she and Barrons were doing for the past few weeks.
. If I know Jericho Barrons, he was walking around feeling like his dick was the most huge, magnificent, perfect, important creation under the sun.
Which -I winced- I vaguely recalled telling him a time or two.
Well... maybe several times.
Mac and Barrons have had a huge argument and Mac is sitting on the floor. V'lane comes in and sees this, which leads to him and Barrons beating their chests at one another:
   "Did he strike you MacKayla? Say the word and I'll kill him."
"As if you could," said Barrons.
"Perhaps not. But I do enjoy thinking about it."
"Bring it on, Tinker Bell."
And lastly, a little snippet from yet another argument between Barrons and Mac. He's being a pig and I think this is one of the few cases where she gets the upper hand. 
"I'm trying to arm myself so I can fight like I fuck," I snapped. "But you refuse to help."
"I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to say that word again, Ms Lane. Time was, you had no reservations. 'Fuck me, Jericho Barrons,' you'd say. Morning, noon and night."
"I didn't know getting you to talk was so easy, or I'd have said it five minutes ago. Fuck you, Jericho Barrons."
Just one book left to go in the Fever series. I won't lie, I'll be sad to finish it

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