Sunday 2 September 2012

Belador Series: Alterant

I am done for the time being with Ms Kenyon's stuff. The whole "broaden your horizons" thing will start today. And not a minute too soon to be perfectly honest.
I was seriously looking forward to book two in the Belador Series. The first one was fan-freaking-tastic. But I was a teeny tiny bit let down by Alterant. I'm not entirely sure why. 
There was a lot going on in Alterant and not much that got resolved. There are still a whole bunch of things that the reader hasn't been told about. I know it's supposed to make you want to keep reading but I found myself getting frustrated. It was like, "C'mon! Give me something!" It would have been good to have had a smidgen more information than what we got...
Also, I would have liked ot have seen more interaction between Evalle, Quinn and Tzader. These three are thick as thieves and their hanging out was kinda missed during Alterant.
But it wasn't all bad. I really liked that Evalle was starting to open up to Storm. I absolutely love Evalle's little gargoyle, Feenix. So damn cute.
So in addition to the unanswered questions from Blood Trinity, I have a few more: 
Where the heck did Storm go? 
What's going to happen to Quinn?
What is Macha's agenda? Has she got some plan or is she just being a bitch?
Will we ever find out where Sen's gripe with Evalle stems from?
Will Isak finally work out that Evalle is an Alterant?
So many questions...
The third installment of the Belador Series, The Curse, will be coming out in the States two weeks from today. Those of you lucky enough to live in the US of A can get your copy then.

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