Sunday 29 July 2012

Chronicles of Nick: Invincible

Poor Nick...
This kid has had it really super rough. In the second book in the Chronicles of Nick series, our hero finds himself in a whole lot of trouble. He learns things about his new friends that make his head spin. Generally, Nick handles the various revelations quite well.
First, he finds out that Kyrian is a  Dark-Hunter after seeing his fangs. After a quick freak out, Kyrian explains to Nick that there was no way he would eat Nick (mentioned something about indigestion) and that Dark-Hunters exist to protect mankind. 
Cherise starts working for Sanctuary after getting fired from her old job. As it turns out, Sanctuary is owned by a family of shape shifters who turn into bears. 
Next, Nick finds himself on the wrong side of his new headmaster (Richard Head- I laughed my butt off when I read that) and the new football coach. The coach is not what he seems and isn't above blackmailing  Nick to get what he wants.
Nick gets divination lessons from the Grim Reaper (who is wicked funny). These lessons don't go too well and Nick tries Grim's patience like no one else has ever dared to.
During this book, Nick also finds out about his destiny (none too gently) and why it's so important that he learns to use his powers. All things considered, he takes the news that he's meant to destroy the world quite well. His crush, Kody, is revealed to be... well, we're not quite sure what Kody is. We just know that she's been sent to keep an eye on Nick and make sure he doesn't succumb to his darker side. 
Finally, Nick learns the truth about the mysterious Ambrose.
I'm not going to tell you about that because you really should read these books yourself. They are tons of fun! Nick's responses to his various trial are really funny. That boy is sharp!
I honestly love Sherrilyn Kenyon's stuff. She has become one of my favourite authors, after J.R Ward. You really should give this series a try. It's lots of fun and you're guaranteed a few laughs.


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