Friday 1 June 2012

Don't Believe the Hype

I watched Snow White and the Huntsman today. I won't lie.  I was a teeny bit disappointed. The action and visuals and stuff were amazing. 
But there was one huge glaring problem for me: Kirsten Stewart.
What. The. Hell.
I won't dispute that she is a very pretty girl. But I don't recall ever watching someone quite so... wooden. I honestly believe that she was at her most convincing when she was playing dead. No emotion, no animation, nothing. At one point my friend and I were laughing at her, which I'm pretty sure is not what the director was going for. It felt like she was just saying the words but there was no feeling behind it. Her performance was better than it was in Twilight but I don't think that's saying much. Honestly, I'm pretty sure there were loads of other pretty dark haired actresses who could have played that role a hundred times better than KStew.
Rant over.
But on the plus side, Charlize Theron was beyond amazing. She was beautiful when she had to be beautiful. She was crazy when she had to be crazy. She was scary as hell when she had to be scary. I was kinda rooting for the queen at one point, to be perfectly honest.And then, last but not least, Chris Hemsworth.
Oh my stars, is that man not the most beautiful creature you've ever seen? That accent was enough to make my legs turn to jelly.An entirely shallow complaint about SWATH was that Hemsworth wasn't shirtless enough. I will watch this movie again just to get another eyeful of that man.

Sorry, couldn't resist

Perv over.
I liked the action and the special effects were pretty cool. But I felt that there wasn't enough dialogue between the main characters. Like how was the Huntsman (I don't know if they ever gave us this poor sexy man's name?) supposed to fall in love with Snow White when they hardly ever spoke?!
Maybe I'm overanalysing. It was a fun movie but it felt kinda lacking in a lot of ways.

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