Thursday 5 April 2012


Two things:
Firstly, I'm an Incubus FREAK.
Secondly, it is Easter weekend.
Okay, at this point you're probably thinking, "And your point is...?"
Easter is arguably the most important day in the Christian calender and loads of people are going to spend this weekend in church. Now, I'm not a particularly religious person but I firmly believe that there is somebody or something out there, pulling the strings. I'm not trying to be blasphemous when I say this but I felt really close to "God" today just by listening to an Incubus song. It sounds dumb but I really did.

You know when you're looking at a really pretty sunset? Or at a new born baby and, holy crap, everything is just perfect? I think you experience God everywhere, not just in church. So, I was listening to Isadore off of Incubus's new album "If Not Now, When?" and I was just in awe. His voice can only have come from some higher power because it has this unearthly quality to it.

Maybe it's just me. This is a video I found on youtube. Another Incubus fan, GABYINCUBUSMcCARTNEY, uploaded it. If you want to see some more Incubus videos, check her out here

For those of you celebrating Easter, I hope you have a blessed weekend with your family and friends.
For those of you not celebrating Easter, I hope that you have a blessed weekend with your family and friends.
We don't discriminate here ;)

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