Sunday, 20 January 2013

Guild Hunters Series: Archangel's Kiss

Archangel's Kiss is the second book in the Guild Hunter series, and it sees Elena dealing with her transition from human to angel. This installment of the Guild Hunter series is also a lot less action packed, focusing more on Elena's relationship with Raphael.
I did sort of miss the action from Angel's Blood. There's the threat of Lijuan, the oldest archangel in the Cadre of Ten. She's a little bit nutty and has the unfortunate tendency to raise the dead. She's also taken an unhealthy interest in Elena. I actually wish that we'd seen more of Lijuan and what she was capable of. It was a little hard to be scared of her like we were of Uram, the baddie from the last book. Elena has been invited to a ball that Lijuan is hosting, so she needs to get her strength back ASAP. Unfortunately, the ball takes place right at the end of the book meaning that there isn't a whole lot of time for Elena to be as fierce and kickass as we know she can be. 
While Lijuan is a peripheral threat, we have another angel committing horrific acts of violence in the Haven (basically the place where angels go to chill out). And it looks like a lot of this violence is being committed with Elena in mind.
Since Elena isn't as strong as she should be, she needs to be protected by Raphael's Seven. They are Dmitri, Illium, Jason, Venom, Galen, Naasir and Aodhan, and these boys are fine! I have a confession to make here: I find these guys more interesting than Raphael himself. I know, I know! You're thinking, how is this possible? Raphael is the king of uber-sexy! 
I just think that Raphael is the kind of sexy that you admire from a healthy distance. Another thing I was a little disappointed with was how little Dmitri featured in this book. He was there for about five minutes and then he was gone. But we got lots of Illium, which I really enjoyed.
Overall, Archangel's Kiss was really good. It was just missing a little bit of that something that took Angel's Blood from really good to friggin' awesome. This series is still totally worth following though. I can't wait to see what Ms Singh has in store for Elena next!

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